For the remaining duration of the field school, students will be spending most of their time working on their projects in the lab or at home. Bob opened up the lab at 8:30 in the morning, and two students were waiting and ready to work. As time went on, more students trickled in if they needed items from the lab to work on their projects.
Karoline looked through and recorded items in the last bag of project waste from when students deconstructed camp yesterday. Angus came in to get Bob's opinion on the rough draft of his written report on industrial artifacts, which Bob happily did. Phoenix also came into the lab to work on his report on bottles found at the McKenzie Creek site, and Ali continued working on line drawings of artifacts all day.
Ali working on line drawings. |
I spent the day going through level bags and creating tables in a word document of their contents. I finished looking through all of the bags, and I am over half-way done the written report. We have a total of 42 bags from the 2019 field season.
Looking through past level bag reports and writing up my own. |
Rohan worked on his report on buttons and clasps in the lab as well. So far he has over 3000 words in his report. There is lots to know about the different types of buttons found at the McKenzie Creek site, and the materials they pair with. Shaunti is helping Rohan research a certain brand of work overalls that he believes pair with a few buttons in the collection.
Again, Nikki spent all day photographing artifacts from the McKenzie Creek site. Sepideh also dropped in this afternoon to get some pictures from Nikki for the video.
Bob spent some time clearing out the lab storage room that is filled with field equipment and projects from past years. In the late morning, he pulled out maps from field projects he has worked on in the past, and some maps from the early stages of the Seymour Valley Archaeology Project. He offered the maps that he no longer had use for to students working in the lab, and a few people took him up on the offer. Interestingly, Bob stumbled upon a few maps from Ontario, and they just happened to be of Nikki's hometown, so she got to keep those ones!
Bob and Nikki looking for maps. |
Bob clearing out the lab storage room. |
Some students also spent time working on their projects at home. Mitch finished up drawings of the rock feature and scanned them on to the computer. Aza also got a lot of work done on the sketch of the cedar plank road. She finished taking measurements yesterday in the field, and now has everything she needs to draw her pictures to scale.
Sketch of the rock feature done my Mitch. |
Most people were very focused on working today, which provided a quiet and peaceful lab to work in. Hopefully we will all be just as productive tomorrow as we were today.
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